Legacy Ministry

Turn your estate plan into a tool for ministry.

At First Baptist Church Montgomery, we believe that everything we have is a gift from God, entrusted to us for His work. And that stewardship call is both in life, and in death.

Your estate plan is an essential aspect of stewarding these gifts. Not only is it our final act of love toward our family, as we wisely provide for them, but it can also be an impactful ministry tool, allowing you to advance the ministries you love long after you’ve stepped into heaven.

mens bible study

FBC Montgomery - Our Partnership

Regardless of your age or your assets, all believers are called to faithful stewardship in every stage of life. That’s why we have partnered with The Baptist Foundation of Alabama to provide FREE Legacy Planning to our FBCM family! With the guidance and support of TBFA, you can create a simple plan, leaving a lasting impact on your family, your church, and other ministries you hold dear.

Play Video

Watch this brief video to see why legacy planning is so important and how easy the process is to complete.

Happy Couple - Give to Ministry

Did you know you could reduce your tax burden and give to ministry?

If you don’t have a plan or it hasn’t been updated lately, now is the time to take action. Services are provided free to FBCM members.


Receive guidance on documents such as:

  • Last Will and Testament or a Revocable Living Trust
  • Power of Attorney
  • Advanced Health Care Directive(s)
  • Guardian for minor children or adults with special needs
  • Trusts

TBFA will help you organize your plan and refer you to a reliable, local attorney to finalize your plan. At the end of the process, you will receive a portfolio to keep all of your important documents safe.

How Do I Get Started?

We know life is busy. That’s why we have put together a simple 3 step process where you can get expert advice to make wise decisions for your family completely over the phone, on your time table, and at a reduced cost.

Step 1

Legacy Planning - Schedule a call

Schedule a phone call

Step 2

Legacy Planning - Create your unique plan

Create your unique plan

Step 3

Legacy planning - Finalize your plan

Finalize your plan


Frequently Asked Questions

Creating a will brings peace of mind in multiple ways. Firstly, it ensures that your assets are distributed according to your preferences rather than being subject to state guidelines. Secondly, it allows for the appointment of a guardian for minor children, ensuring they are cared for by individuals chosen by the parents. Thirdly, clear communication within the will can prevent future disputes among family members. Fourthly, proper planning can help in avoiding tax issues for dependents. Lastly, appointing an executor ensures that all your wishes are executed as intended, providing reassurance that your assets and family members will be properly looked after.

Alongside the will, your coach will aid you in crafting a living will, commonly known as health directives, and arranging power of attorney documents.

There are numerous benefits to partnering with a TBFA coach for your plan. You’ll collaborate with a Christian coach who operates with integrity, devoid of any sales agenda or biased direction. Their sole purpose is to support you in following what you believe God is guiding you to do. With extensive experience serving thousands of Baptist families in the state, TBFA can be relied upon to provide excellent service. Moreover, thanks to the church’s partnership with TBFA, the cost of your planning coach is covered without any obligations attached.

When you sign up, you’re simply scheduling an exploratory call. During this call, your coach will discuss your present circumstances and future plans with you, providing a roadmap for how to document them moving forward.

After you’ve reviewed and are satisfied with the plan, you have the option to bring it to a lawyer of your preference for drafting. Alternatively, your coach can facilitate connections with a network attorney to aid in drafting the plan. These network attorneys operate on a reduced fixed fee basis, ensuring transparency about costs before any discussions with the attorney take place.

The “Planning Made Simple” guide will outline each step of the process comprehensively. This planning will be tailored to your schedule and conducted over the phone. Your coach will guide you through a series of 30-45 minute phone calls until the plan aligns precisely with your preferences.

The Bible is clear that everything belongs to God and we are managers of what He has blessed us with. Therefore, it is our job to plan accordingly. TBFA is a part of the Baptist family in Alabama, and a ministry to help Baptists plan wisely.

No, there are no requirements to leave money to charity or ministry. However, if you feel God leading you to leave something to ministry, your coach can help you find the best way to be generous, saving on taxes and advancing the Kingdom at the same time.